These Days
27 March - 17 April 2020

I think Bernadett is the youngest artist ever to have held a solo show at Panter & Hall, now in her mid-twenties she has had more of a career to date than many artists twice her age. Her paintings represent the best of current contemporary painting, in her work she maintains a confident balance between the pitfalls of too slavish adherence to the past and the temptation to stab mindlessly at the canvas in an attempt to appear 'Contemporary'. What Bernadett has in spades, apart from her remarkable talent, is focus. She ploughs her own distinctive furrow, sitting precariously in the stylistic cradle of the Mall Galleries and the New English style but tempering each painting with a refreshing honesty and gritty domesticity that we haven’t seen authentically since the Kitchen Sink School of the 1950s.