Our Cecil Court gallery can be found in the historic Cecil Court, a 17th Century thoroughfare running between Charing Cross Road and St Martin’s Lane. Still owned by the Cecil family it forms part of the Marquess of Salisbury’s London estate having been purchased by his ancestor the illustrious Elizabethan statesman, in 1609.

Cecil Court was a home to the young Mozart on his first visit to London and in the early 20th Century it became the centre of the nascent British Film Industry earning the nickname ‘Flicker Alley’. Now it is the high point of the Harry Potter Tour industry through J K Rowling’s admission that she used the Court as inspiration for Diagon Alley.

For Panter & Hall it has proved a successful and enjoyable expansion. Our Cecil Court gallery has provided an opportunity to mount smaller scale exhibitions by some of our younger or more affordable artists. It is also the hub of operations for our interior design source, Panter & Hall Decorative. We stock hundreds of affordable mid-century paintings that have become a one-stop-shop for our decorator clients. Three times a year we showcase recent acquisitions at the Decorative Antique & Textiles Fair in Battersea Park. Illustrated stock can be viewed with full details on Instagram at @panterandhalldecorative

Follow us on Twitter at @PanterandHall2


Panter & Hall (Decorative)
22-24 Cecil Court

Monday to Sunday: 10AM - 6PM
(Closed for lunch 2PM - 3PM)

+44 (0)20 7399 9999

If you are interested in any of the reserved paintings, it is worth contacting the gallery as they may become available.

Elizabeth Neville

Recumbent in Prussian Blue


Orson Kartt

Poundland (Variable edition of 100)


Valeria Duca

Portrait in Pink


Orson Kartt

Plenty More Fish in the Sea (Variable edition of 100)


Janice Gray



Valeria Duca

Refugees Sleeping II


Richard Sowman



Richard Sorrell

People in a Stubble Field


Karl Terry

Pentire Point


Derek Matthews

Peckham Rye: Blake's Vision


Jane Hooper

Pears and Chairs


Karl Terry

Paxos, Harbour


Valeria Duca

One Late Evening


Wormwood Stubbs



Alison Stockmarr

Night at the Theatre


Julian Sutherland Beatson

Near Rue Lafayette, Paris


Lotta Teale

Mushrooms on Chopping Board


Norman Long

Morning Light at the Circus


Catherine Pring

Krishna, Waiting in the Wings


Karl Terry

Morning Dunes


Orson Kartt

Many hands make light work (Variable edition of 100)


Valeria Duca

Lost my Mind


Bridget Davies

Mask II - Sign of the Times


Michael Alford

Lincoln's Inn Fields


Ann Armitage



Alison Stockmarr

Le Lieux de Pêcherie 5/50


Denver Sorrell

Le Buveur


Stanislaus Brien (fl 1930s)

Large Cheetah


Wormwood Stubbs

Land of Sour Milk and No Honey


Bridget Moore

Lala and the Grandchild


Denver Sorrell

L'Interior Gramaphone


Catherine Pring

Kundalini Rising


Jonny Hannah

Killer Diller! Ed. 30 of 50


Jonny Hannah

Jimmy the Saint Ed. 32 of 50


Richard Sowman

Iris, Limestone


Richard Sorrell

In the Garden


Louise Howard

Highland Fling


Bridget Moore

Hats Off


Rob Pittam

Gull, Smeaton's Pier, Lighthouse, St Ives


Michael Ashcroft

Golden Eagle, Victoria Embankment, London


Rob Pointon

Fish Stall, Ponte delle Guglie


Marissa Weatherhead

Fish and Fruit


Valeria Duca

Evening Light


Norman Long

Eros Reflections


Valeria Duca



Orson Kartt

Did I Miss the Boat (Variable edition of 100)


Bridget Moore

Dance Troupe


Elizabeth Neville

Composition in Prussian Blue
