Helford Creek
About Fiona Millais

Fiona Millais’ paintings are based on landscape and still life, or sometimes a combination of both.  The paintings are produced in her studio, sometimes on the completion of a journey, perhaps to the landscapes and coasts of Cornwall and the west of Scotland or further afield.  Her daily walks out with her dog, in and around the farm, woods and heathland near her home, provide a rhythm and are source of inspiration throughout the seasons.  Her works are rarely directly representational, they evolve from memories, drawings and notes.  Small objects noticed on her walks will find their way into her compositions, which when painted add a sense of place and time.


Fiona is the great-granddaughter of the Pre- Raphaelite painter Sir John Everett Millais.

Helford Creek

About Fiona Millais

Fiona Millais’ paintings are based on landscape and still life, or sometimes a combination of both.  The paintings are produced in her studio, sometimes on the completion of a journey, perhaps to the landscapes and coasts of Cornwall and the west of Scotland or further afield.  Her daily walks out with her dog, in and around the farm, woods and heathland near her home, provide a rhythm and are source of inspiration throughout the seasons.  Her works are rarely directly representational, they evolve from memories, drawings and notes.  Small objects noticed on her walks will find their way into her compositions, which when painted add a sense of place and time.


Fiona is the great-granddaughter of the Pre- Raphaelite painter Sir John Everett Millais.