Art by Colour: Pink

Paul Maze (1887-1979)

Jessie Dressing in Pink


Bridget Davies

Birdy Shoes


Esther Erlich



Margarete 'Grete' Marks (1899-1990)

Pink Cottage, Dent, Yorkshire


Warwick Fuller

Crescendo, Little Hartley


Denver Sorrell

Le Buveur


Alfred Kingsley Lawrence RA RP (1893-1978)

In the Tropics


William Crosbie RSA RGI (1915-1999)

The Muses say our Sister is Ill


Ida Cooke (1909-1982)

The Race, 1970


Christine Woodside

New Moon


Sian Hopkinson

Black Grapes on Pink


Johan de Fre

Fresh Plums


Denver Sorrell

The Yellow Book


Sian Hopkinson

Rose in a Vase


Louise Howard

Stone Soup


Susan Ryder

Little White Jug


Lotta Teale

Cyclamen on the Windowsill


Sian Hopkinson

Silver Teapot and Cranberries


Rob Pittam

Mackerel, Pomegranates and Silver Plate


George Devlin (1937–2014)

Girl in Pink


Jeka Kemp (1876–1966)

Sculptor with her plaster model
